Gastric ulcer in dogs - Symptoms and treatment

Gastric ulcer in dogs - Symptoms and treatment
Gastric ulcer in dogs - Symptoms and treatment
Gastric Ulcer in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment
Gastric Ulcer in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment

gastric ulcers are a problem that can also affect our dogs, even with fatal consequences, since they can take time to show symptoms so that, when you act, the situation is already is serious That is why in this article on our site we are going to explain what causes may be behind the appearance of a gastric ulcer in dogs, plus how it can be diagnosed, treated, and prevented.

As we will see, one of the most important predisposing factors is the consumption of NSAIDs, so we must pay special attention to dogs treated with these drugs. If you want to know more about gastric ulcer in dogs, its symptoms and treatment, you're interested in reading on!

Gastric ulcers

Gastric ulcer in dogs consists of a lesion that occurs in the mucosa that lines the stomach and duodenum, which is the first section of the small intestine. The digestive system of dogs has a very acidic pH, which helps them to ingest food even highly contaminated by bacteria without repercussions for their he alth.

When any circumstance occurs that affects the balance of the digestive system, altering the relationship between the presence of acid and the protection of the mucosa, it can result in the formation of an ulcer. This lesion can be superficial, with inflamed and eroded mucosal areas, or deep, where there is perforation that affects all layers of the gastric wall.

The size of the ulcers is variable and in dogs they are most commonly found in the stomach. They can even cause a perforation, which is a potentially life-threatening situation for our dog, as it can lead to peritonitis (inflammation of the cavity that contains the abdominal organs). Also, a heavy bleeding can lead to shock. We will see the causes of gastric ulcers in the next section.

Gastric ulcer in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Gastric ulcers
Gastric ulcer in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Gastric ulcers

Causes of gastric ulcers

Among the reasons behind the appearance of gastric ulcers in dogs, the following stand out:

  • Consumption of NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), widely used to treat pain, both acute and chronic. A very recurrent example is that of its use for cases of elderly dogs with arthritis. These medications work by disrupting the natural protection of the stomach, thus causing the ulcer. Their consumption should be reduced as much as possible, assessing the situation of the dog, the benefits and drawbacks and it is recommended to use them in combination with gastric protectors. It is essential never to medicate our dog on our own, since common human drugs can cause ulcers in dogs.
  • Consumption of corticosteroids, these drugs also affect the mucosa, affecting its protection. As in the case of NSAIDs, the pros and cons must be carefully weighed, as well as the dose and duration of treatment. There are various side effects of corticosteroids in dogs, for this reason, it is essential to consult with our veterinarian whenever a treatment is indicated.
  • Diseases such as kidney failure, acute or chronic, or chronic liver failure, since these disorders allow the accumulation of toxins in the body, which also has an effect on the digestive system, causing the ulcer. Periodic veterinary check-ups, especially when the dog gets older (approximately from seven years of age) can help detect these diseases in early stages.
  • Hypoadrenocorticism or Addison's disease in dogs, is a pathology caused by inadequate production of corticosteroids.
  • Some tumors that release histamine, as this substance stimulates acid secretion.

Symptoms of gastric ulcers in dogs

The effect produced by gastric ulcer in dogs can have various clinical manifestations, with symptoms such as the following:

  • Vomiting blood (hematemesis), which may be fresh, digested or with clots.
  • The vomiting will be sporadic or chronic.
  • Presence of digested blood in the stool (melena), which will be dark in color.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Anorexia and consequently weight loss,
  • Anemia, which can be confirmed with a blood test.
  • Weakness.
  • In the most severe cases there may be dehydration, increased water intake, etc., as well as symptoms of peritonitis: intense abdominal pain, vomiting, flattened abdomen, rapid and difficult breathing, or cold, pale gums.
Gastric ulcer in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Symptoms of gastric ulcers in dogs
Gastric ulcer in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Symptoms of gastric ulcers in dogs

Diagnosis of gastric ulcers

Whenever we see that our dog vomits blood we must seek veterinary assistance since, as we see, we could be facing a serious situation. For the diagnosis of gastric ulcer in dogs, the veterinarian may use the blood test, as this will give us an idea of the general condition of the animal, with what we can know if there is anemia and what type, infection, kidney or liver failure, etc. The stool can also be tested. A gastroscopy can establish the diagnosis.

Treatment of gastric ulcers in dogs

The treatment will focus on controlling the symptoms to stabilize the animal and identify the cause that has caused the ulcer to also treat it. Depending on the severity of the condition, even blood transfusions and/or surgery may be needed, in cases of perforation or peritonitis.

gastric protectors are also used An animal with active bleeding must remain hospitalized and, in addition, with supportive treatment that will understand fluid therapy, diet or transfusions, as we have mentioned. The prognosis will depend on the damage and the underlying cause. If you take any ulcerative medication, it should be discontinued.
