Types of sea turtles

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Types of sea turtles
Types of sea turtles
Types of sea turtles
Types of sea turtles

Marine and oceanic waters are inhabited by a multitude of living beings. Among the great diversity of them, today we will talk about the different types of sea turtles A peculiarity of sea turtles is that the males always return to the beaches where they were born to mate. This does not necessarily happen with females, which can vary from beach to spawn. Another curiosity is that the sex of the turtles is determined by the temperature reached in the spawning place.

A particularity of sea turtles is that they cannot retract their head inside their shell, something that land turtles do. If you continue reading this article, on our site we will show you the current species of sea turtles and their main characteristics of them.

Another phenomenon that happens to sea turtles is a kind of tears that shed their eyes. This occurs when they eliminate excess s alt in their body through this mechanism. All these sea turtles are long-lived, exceeding at least 40 years of life, and some easily double that figure. To a lesser or greater degree all the different types of sea turtles are threatened

Stupid turtle

The loggerhead turtle, Caretta caretta, is a turtle that lives in the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic oceans. Specimens have also been detected in the Mediterranean Sea. They measure an average of 90 cm., also averaging a weight of 135 kg.; although specimens exceeding 2 meters and weighing more than 500 kg have been observed.

This turtle is also called: loggerhead turtle. Since its head is the largest among sea turtles. Male loggerheads are distinguished by the size of their tails. Appendix thicker and longer than that of females.

The diet of loggerhead turtles is very varied. Starfish, barnacles, sea cucumbers, jellyfish, fish, bivalves, squid, algae, flying fish and hatchling turtles (even their own kind). This turtle is threatened.

Types of sea turtles - Loggerhead sea turtle
Types of sea turtles - Loggerhead sea turtle


The leatherback turtle, Dermochelys coriacea, is the largest and heaviest sea turtle among the turtles that live in the oceans and seas. Its usual size is 2, 30 meters and a weight greater than 600 kg.; although giant specimens with weights exceeding 900 Kg have been recorded. It feeds on jellyfish preferably. The shell of the leatherback sea turtle has a leathery feel, not a hard one. For this reason it is also called leather turtle.

The leatherback sea turtle is more widespread in the oceans than other sea turtles. The reason is that they are better able to withstand changes in temperature, since their body thermoregulatory system is the most efficient among sea turtles. This species is threatened

Types of sea turtles - Leatherback sea turtle
Types of sea turtles - Leatherback sea turtle

The hawksbill turtle

The hawksbill turtle, Eretmochelys imbricata, are beautiful animals in critical danger of extinction. There are two subspecies. One of them lives in the tropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean, and the other in the warm waters of the Indo-Pacific zone. Hawksbill turtles have migratory habits.

Hawsbill turtles measure between 60 and 90 cm., with a weight between 50 and 80 kg.; although cases of up to 127 kg have been recorded. of weight. Its legs are turned into swimming fins. Hawksbill turtles like to inhabit the waters of tropical reefs.

The hawksbill feeds on very dangerous prey due to its high toxicity. Jellyfish, including the deadly Portuguese man-of-war. Poisonous sponges also enter their diet, aside from sea anemones and sea tomatoes.

Given the hardness of its wonderful shell, it has few predators. Sharks and marine crocodiles are its natural predators; but the action of the human being with its excessive fishing, the fishing gear, the urbanization of the spawning beaches and pollution is what has led the hawksbill turtle to the brink of extinction.

Types of sea turtles - The hawksbill turtle
Types of sea turtles - The hawksbill turtle

Olive Turtle

The Olive ridley turtle, Lepidochelys olivacea, is the smallest of the sea turtles. They measure an average of 67 cm., and their weight fluctuates over 40 kg.; although specimens weighing up to 100 kg have been recorded.

Olive Turtles are omnivorous, feeding on algae or crabs, shrimp, fish, snails and lobsters. They are littoral turtles, inhabiting the coastal areas of all continents, except Europe. The olive ridley is threatened.

Types of sea turtles - Olive ridley sea turtle
Types of sea turtles - Olive ridley sea turtle

The Kemp's ridley

The Kemp's ridley sea turtle, Lepidochelys kempii, is a small sea turtle. It is distributed from Venezuela to Newfoundland in coastal waters. It can reach 93 cm., with an average weight of 45 kg.; although there are specimens that have weighed up to 100 kg.

The Kemp's ridley only spawns during the day, unlike other sea turtles that take advantage of the night to spawn. These turtles feed on sea urchins, jellyfish, algae, crabs, molluscs and crustaceans. This species of turtle is in a critical state of conservation.

Types of sea turtles - The Kemp's ridley sea turtle
Types of sea turtles - The Kemp's ridley sea turtle

The Flat Turtle

The flatback turtle, Natator depressus, is a turtle whose population is only distributed in the waters of northern Australia. This tortoise measures between 90 and 135 cm., with a weight of 100 to 150 kg. It does not have migratory habits, except for spawning, which occasionally forces it to travel up to 1000 km. The males never return to land.

It is precisely their eggs that suffer the most predation Foxes, lizards and humans consume these eggs. Its usual predator is the marine crocodile. The flatback turtle has a fondness for shallow water. The color of their shells is in the range of brown / greenish or olive. The degree of conservation of this species is not exactly known. There is a lack of reliable data to make correct assessments.

Types of sea turtles - The flat turtle
Types of sea turtles - The flat turtle

The Green Turtle

The green turtle, Chelonia mydas, is a large turtle that inhabits the tropical and subtropical waters of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Its size can reach up to 1, 70 cm. in length, with an average weight of 200 kg.; however, specimens weighing up to 395 kg have been counted.

There are different genetically distinct subspecies depending on their habitat. They have migratory habits; and unlike other species of sea turtles, males and females go out to the beaches to sunbathe. Apart from man, the tiger shark is the main predator of the green turtle.

Types of sea turtles - The green turtle
Types of sea turtles - The green turtle

Learn more about turtles…

  • Ground Turtle Species
  • How to make an aquaterrarium
  • Differences between land and water turtles
