Feeding the ferret

Table of contents:

Feeding the ferret
Feeding the ferret
Ferret feeding
Ferret feeding

The ferrets little by little they have been introduced into our homes. They are no longer unusual pets and that is why we have a wide range of products for their care. Feed, prizes and other products are already designed to fully cover their needs.

If you've only recently had your ferret and you're still not sure how to take care of it, we recommend reading our articles on ferrets as pets and basic ferret care.

In this article on our site we will tell you everything about ferret feeding You will see how with proper nutrition and basic care your ferret will grow he althy and strong. And if you still haven't decided on a name for your ferret, in ferret names you will find a wide variety of ideas.

Ferrets are carnivores

Ferrets are animals carnivores. Its digestive tract is short so digestion is fast. They should consume proteins of animal origin since they are more assimilable for them than those of vegetable origin.

Feeding them the wrong food will cause digestive problems. Fiber, for example, should be avoided in excess as it can create constipation problems.

Ferrets eat several times throughout the day. They should always have plenty of food and fresh water. He himself will regulate his consumption. However, if you notice that it gains weight easily, you should pay attention to the quantities and limit the consumption of food, never water.

Ferret feeding - Ferrets are carnivores
Ferret feeding - Ferrets are carnivores

Food for ferrets

There are currently feeds specifically formulated for ferrets on the market. It comes in the form of dry food or as wet food. The dry feed is more recommended as it prevents tartar formation problems. Nutritionally they provide everything your ferret needs. Wet food has a higher water content, which is great if you don't hydrate often but can also be less nutritious.

High-quality cat food and wet food can be offered to ferrets but they should never be fed dog food. This feed does not contain taurine, an essential element for ferrets.

The feed composition must be appropriate:

  • Minimum 35-40% animal protein
  • Maximum 15-20% fat
  • Maximum 4% fiber

When you choose the feed, look at its composition and pay special attention to the origin of the proteins. You should look for feed with chicken, turkey or beef. We must avoid meat by-products. If your ferret has problems eating its feed, you can read our article My ferret doesn't want to eat feed- Causes and solutions.

Feeding of the ferret - I think for ferrets
Feeding of the ferret - I think for ferrets

Natural Diet

In the wild, ferrets feed on rabbits, rodents, birds, and other small animals. They not only feed on its meat and fat, but also ingest the viscera and internal organs. For this reason it is difficult to provide him with a natural diet at home, since we normally buy parts of an animal and not the whole piece, his diet would not be complete.

We may occasionally give you cooked chicken, turkey, beef, or organ meats such as liver or kidneys. Never raw food, especially if it's pork. It can transmit pathogens and cause diseases to our ferret.

Ferret feeding - Natural diet
Ferret feeding - Natural diet

Prizes and supplements for ferrets

We can reward our ferret with numerous prizes:

  • Vegetables, fruits and vegetables in general cut into small portions.
  • Commercial ferret or cat treats.
  • M alt for cats, in addition to being an excellent treat, helps prevent the formation of hairballs.

Rewards should not be abused, especially fruits and vegetables, they have a high fiber content, which is not easily digestible by the ferret. Fruit sugars, although of natural origin, are not good in excess either.

As for food supplements there are some specific ones for ferrets that cover their vitamin needs. Vitamins A, E and C are essential for your ferret to maintain good he alth. If your ferret's diet is appropriate, it should not be necessary to use vitamin supplements.

Ferret feeding - Awards and supplements for ferrets
Ferret feeding - Awards and supplements for ferrets

Food not recommended for ferrets

Since ferrets are carnivorous animals, there are many foods that can damage their digestive system and cause diarrhea and digestive imbalances.

We must avoid the following foods at all times:

  • Chocolate or candy of any kind
  • Human food scraps: some ingredients like onions are harmful to ferrets.
  • Raw meat or fish, especially pork.
  • Milk and derivatives.
