Aloe vera for dog dermatitis

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Aloe vera for dog dermatitis
Aloe vera for dog dermatitis
Aloe vera for dog dermatitis
Aloe vera for dog dermatitis

The skin is a very important organ because it not only exerts a protective function against the external environment, but also because on multiple occasions disorders that affect our pet's body in a generalized way are manifested through the skin, such as an allergic reaction or liver malfunction.

To guarantee the best for our pet, we know that as owners we must be aware of all those signs that indicate that something may be wrong, therefore, regular observation of the skin and fur of our dog should be part of daily care.

If you want to treat your pet's skin in a natural way, in this article we talk about the benefits of aloe vera for dog dermatitis.

What is dermatitis?

The term dermatitis simply indicates " inflammation of the skin" and corresponds to a situation where the skin is irritated and inflamed, causing itching and stinging Canine dermatitis can be produced by various causes, among them, those that usually cause dermatitis more frequently are the following:

  • Presence of fleas
  • Fungal infection
  • Allergic reaction
  • Irritation from a toxic substance

Obviously given the diversity of causes it will be very important that you go to the vet if you suspect that your dog has dermatitis, since it is a priority to establish the underlying causeto treat it properly.

Aloe vera for dog dermatitis - What is dermatitis?
Aloe vera for dog dermatitis - What is dermatitis?

How to identify dermatitis in our dog

If your dog suffers from dermatitis you may observe one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Continuous scratching
  • Presence of dandruff
  • Shedding on fur
  • Scabs and wounds
  • Redness
  • Dry skin
  • Alterations in the coat
  • Concern

Then it will be time to examine your pet's coat to assess the lesions and go to the vet giving him the necessary information to establish what is causing this skin condition.

Aloe vera for dog dermatitis - How to identify dermatitis in our dog
Aloe vera for dog dermatitis - How to identify dermatitis in our dog

Aloe vera to treat dermatitis in dogs

Still today there are many controversies regarding the application of aloe vera in animals, it is even believed that it is a toxic remedy for cats, but the reality is that many holistic veterinarians contemplate the use of aloe vera as a first-line treatment for multiple conditions.

To take advantage of all the benefits of aloe vera, the pulp that is present inside its stems is extracted, which has various properties to treat canine dermatitis:

  • Aloe vera juice has antibacterial effect, therefore it will prevent a topical infection in the event that dermatitis is accompanied by wounds caused by excessive scratching.
  • Aloe vera is capable of regenerating the skin, therefore, it will allow proper healing of wounds and help the skin renewal is carried out properly.
  • This is a highly hydrating and moisturizing substance, therefore, it will quickly soothe the pruritus and itching associated with dermatitis.
  • Aloe vera contains active components that act by reducing inflammation of the skin, which is also very important in reducing symptoms.
Aloe vera for dermatitis in dogs - Aloe vera to treat dermatitis in dogs
Aloe vera for dermatitis in dogs - Aloe vera to treat dermatitis in dogs

How to apply aloe vera?

In this case we are performing a topical and symptomatic treatment of dermatitis, which has nothing to do with the underlying cause, which to be determined by the veterinarian and treated accordingly.

Therefore, the best option, as we already mentioned, is to perform a topical administration, that is, apply the aloe vera pulp directly to the affected skin 2 to 3 times a day.

For this, the best option is to buy a 100% pure aloe vera gel, a clue to assess the purity of the product is to look its labeling: in the list of ingredients, aloe vera must appear first.
