What do CATS EAT? - FOOD Guide

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What do CATS EAT? - FOOD Guide
What do CATS EAT? - FOOD Guide
What do cats eat?
What do cats eat?

A cat maintains a balanced diet when its food sources provide all the nutrients it needs in the correct proportions, according to its physiological state, physical activity and ageWhile in their first days cats feed on milk, when they begin to wean after a month their body undergoes changes that allow them to digest food. Up to one year of age, their diet should have more energy and protein than an adult, who, depending on their metabolic state, activity and individual circumstances, will feed in one way or another. If we have a pregnant female, her diet should be higher than when she was not, as she must have reserves and ensure good growth of the kittens. When our feline gets older, his diet must be adjusted to his new condition, for this we will select a suitable diet for older cats, and if he has any illness, a suitable feed according to the condition.

In this article on our site we deal with the feeding of cats and their particularities to explain what cats eat according to their age and state.

Nutritional needs of cats

The nutritional needs of our cat will depend on their physical activity, reproductive status, environmental conditions where they are, age, he alth and metabolism. So, feeding a pregnant cat is not the same as feeding a baby cat, an older cat with kidney disease, a neutered cat that doesn't move from home, or an entire cat that spends the day exploring outside. Cats are not small dogs and therefore should not be fed as omnivores. The energy contained in food is expressed in kilocalories (Kcal) and is obtained from the sum of protein, fat and carbohydrates.

Cats are strict carnivores and have high protein needs (at least 25% of the total diet), along with taurine, arginine, arachidonic acid and vitamin A, which they obtain through the ingestion of animal tissue. Thus, the nutritional needs of cats are divided into:

  • Proteínas It is the most important nutrient, so when we ask ourselves what cats eat we must bear in mind that protein must be the main ingredient If we talk about dry feed, it is essential that it contains at least 25% protein, ideally around 40%. The percentage of protein is closely related to the quality of the food. Discover the best natural feed for cats in this other article. Now, if the animal enjoys a natural diet made at home or through brands that offer frozen or vacuum-packed food, the percentage of protein should range from 90-95 %, leaving the remaining 10-5% for fruits and vegetables. These last foods are optional, especially if the cat has the opportunity to eat offal.
  • Essential amino acids The two essential amino acids essential in the feline diet are arginine and taurineArginine is necessary to synthesize urea and eliminate ammonia, since its deficiency causes ammonia poisoning (hyperammonemia), which can kill our cats in a few hours. Taurine, although its deficiency takes months to cause damage to the feline body, can be responsible for cardiac disorders (dilated cardiomyopathy with heart failure), reproductive or retinal degeneration that can lead to irreversible blindness. Both amino acids are found in meat.
  • Fat. At least 9% of an adult cat's calories should come from fat, which is present in meat, so ideally the percentage of fat in its diet should be around 15-20%, especially in home-cooked diets.
  • Fatty acids These animals need a supply of fatty acids such as omega 3 and 6, vital for the skin, coat, cognitive, cardiovascular and immune systems. Also, they are anti-inflammatory. These nutrients serve to obtain energy, thermal insulation, protection of internal organs and transport of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E). Omega 3 can be obtained through fish and shellfish, however, unlike other animals, they do not have as much capacity to synthesize the essential fatty acids required through linoleic acid (omega 6), so they need an extra supply of arachidonic acid, which is formed from it and is found in animal tissues, once again seeing the importance of meat in the cat's diet. Its deficiency in cats causes blood coagulation failure, alopecia, skin disorders and reproduction.
  • Carbohydrates With regard to carbohydrates, it has been confirmed that they can be maintained with a diet that is very low in them, since by catabolizing proteins they can cover their glucose needs The one that frequently appears in dry cat food is corn starch, as it is more digestible in this species. However, carbohydrates are not part of the essential nutrients for cats because these animals have difficulty processing them. In homemade diets, no cereals are added.
  • Vitamins Cats do need vitamins because they are important for many vital functions. Antioxidants (vitamins C, E and beta carotene), for example, are necessary to eliminate free radicals that cause cell damage and are involved in aging. Specifically, vitamin A is very important in our cats' vision, regulation of their cell membranes and the proper development of their teeth and bones, and can only be obtain from animal tissues, kidneys and liver being the best sources. However, high amounts of vitamin A can cause hypervitaminosis A with lethargy, failure to thrive, and skeletal problems. The rest of the vitamins, such as those of the B complex, vitamins D and E are supplemented in the feed of our cats. They synthesize vitamin C themselves.
  • Minerals Good cat diets are also often supplemented with necessary minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium or trace elements such as copper, manganese, iron, zinc and selenium. In homemade diets, foods already provide the necessary vitamins and minerals, as long as they are well formulated and balanced. We recommend consulting our article on the BARF diet for cats.
What do cats eat? - Nutritional needs of cats
What do cats eat? - Nutritional needs of cats

What do baby cats eat?

Newborn kittens will obtain from the colostrum their mother's antibodies during the first 16 hours of life and, subsequently, the nutrients to through the breast milk If the cat rejects the litter, one of your cats is weak or sick or does not produce milk, they should be fed milk formulated for newborn kittens just like when we meet orphaned baby cats on the street.

Baby cats during their first week of life drink 10-20 ml of milk per feeding and to gain 1 gram of weight they must eat 2.7 grams of milk. It is important to use milk formulated for cats before normal cow's milk because the latter has a lower percentage of protein, fat, calcium and phosphorus. Specifically, cow's milk has 27% protein, which is why the 40% that formula milk provides is preferred.

The energy needs of kittens increase from 130 kcal/kg daily with 3 weeks, 200-220 kcal/kg daily divided into 4-5 feedings per month, up to a maximum of 250 kcal/kg daily at 5 months of age, subsequently decreasing to 100 kcal/kg daily at 10 months.

Natural weaning of kittens usually begins around four weeks. At this time, we can favor the introduction of solid food by mixing the baby cat food with water or milk, gradually reducing the liquid until only dry food is left. Here, their ability to digest lactose decreases and amylases increase to digest the starch present in the feed. So that, after six weeks, when they consume 20 grams of dry matter per day, total weaning is achieved, needing more kcal than an adult cat because it requires three times more energy. If a homemade diet is offered, the food should also be introduced gradually until the mother completely rejects the little ones.

It is important to respect the natural rhythm of separation because it is with his mother and siblings that a cat begins to receive his first teachings and begins the period of socialization

What do cats eat? - What do baby cats eat?
What do cats eat? - What do baby cats eat?

What do pregnant and lactating cats eat?

The cat's gestation lasts a maximum of 9-10 weeks and its energy needs increase every week, requiring at the end of the gestation a 25% increase over the energy requirements for maintenance, around 100 kcal of ME/kg per day. In addition, it is important that you consume more fat to build up reserves that you will need during the last weeks of pregnancy, since the weight gain will go to the kittens, and during the lactation. In total, a pregnant cat gains 40% more than her normal weight, but loses 20% after giving birth, while the remaining weight will go away during lactation or she may even become thinner than she was before, since its feeding during lactation will cover between 80-85% of its needs, the rest is provided by the cat in its reserves.

Depending on the size of the litter, the energy requirements will increase more or less. As they will always be higher than the maintenance needs, during pregnancy and lactation it is a good option to feed our cat with a feed formulated for kittensdue to the high quantity energy that she has. Once the lactation process is over, if the cat is at her weight and with energy, she will return to the diet suitable for adult cats. Let's see below what the diet of adult cats consists of and what kind of food there is.

Feeding the adult cat

What do adult domestic cats eat? Energy needs in adult cats vary greatly. A house cat with little activity has enough with 60 kcal of ME/Kg/day, if he is neutered or is especially calm or older, the figure can drop to 45 Kcal/kg/day, while if he is active it rises to 70- 90 Kcal/Kg/day. Age must also be taken into account, since younger cats tend to expend more energy and their needs are higher than in older cats.

The sterilized cats have a greater appetite, but at the same time their energy needs are lower. For this reason, if a nutritional adaptation is not carried out, one year after the operation our cats are 30% overweight because the excess energy administered accumulates in the form of fat in their body, hence the majority of neutered cats are overweight. weight. In these cats, energy consumption should be reduced by 14-40% and about 50 kcal/kg/day should be administered. It is also advisable to use a specific feed for sterilized cats or to establish a homemade diet in the hands of a veterinarian specialized in nutrition.

When cats enter old age, it is common for them to suffer from diseases such as kidney failure, diabetes or hyperthyroidism, requiring a diet that is appropriate to the process. In addition, due to the increase in free radicals that cause aging, a food superior in vitamin C and E can be administered, which we commented that they are antioxidants. The energy content of the food should not increase due to its lower activity and protein should be increased and phosphorus decreased, as well as ingredients that acidify the urine should be avoided to prevent kidney disease.

What to feed a cat?

Once we have seen what cats eat and their nutritional needs, what foods can we give them? Cat feeding can be based on three types:

  • Wet food
  • Dry feed
  • Homemade food

If you don't have the right knowledge or are in doubt about balancing nutrients, the best way to feed a cat is wet and dry food, alternating both options and taking into account that they must be of quality. As we have said, meat must be the main ingredient, so it is essential to read the labels and evaluate the product before buying it. In this other article we help you choose the best wet food for cats.

Cats are animals that prefer to eat several light meals during the day rather than two large ones. For this reason, in this species it is preferred that they have their daily ration of feed always at their disposal and distribute their ration of wet food in several feedings. They prefer water fresh and moving, which is why many cats prefer to drink water from the tap or from a fountain rather than from their drinking fountain.

The homemade food, for its part, has many benefits compared to industrial food, such as the possibility of choosing the products and guaranteeing that receives the contribution it needs of each nutrient, especially meat. However, it is very important to keep in mind that they must also receive other nutrients already mentioned, so it will be necessary to add more ingredients in order to provide them. Likewise, it is preferable to avoid raw food, unless it has been frozen and thawed beforehand, because it may contain parasites or microorganisms that can make your cat sick. In this case, it is advisable to distribute the food in about four daily feedings Again, we insist on the importance of being informed and consulting a veterinarian specialized in nutrition to determine a homemade diet based on the specific needs of the cat in question.

What do cats eat? - Feeding of the adult cat
What do cats eat? - Feeding of the adult cat

What do stray and feral cats eat?

Wild cats naturally eat any prey they have access, whether they are lizards, rodents, birds or any other small animal. These dams provide them with all the necessary nutrients that we have mentioned, and they also have a high percentage of water.

The street cats of the city, rather than hunt prey that are harder to find, scramble bins in search of food or have food that some people give them, either individual cats or controlled feline colonies. This last term refers to the structuring of cats in groups in a very specific place where they have spaces to take refuge and people who feed them. In addition, animal protection entities help these colonies by supplying them with food, shelter, he alth care and collaborating in their sterilization to avoid uncontrolled breeding that could end up in public and ecological he alth problems, killing other animals such as certain populations of wild birds. The great advantage of cat colonies is to prevent the spread of plagues of rats and other animals that can transmit diseases to people.

Although many people think that the life of stray cats is fuller than those found at home, in reality cats in freedom tend to live more precariously, more exposed to diseases, weather conditions adverse events and food shortages. For this reason, these cats have lower life expectancy and quality of life, not usually reaching 9 years of age, while our domestic cats, with their nutritional needs covered, temperature proper environment and proper veterinary care can reach 18-20 years. For this reason, knowing what cats eat and all the information related to cat feeding is so important.
