Where can I adopt a dog in Seville

Where can I adopt a dog in Seville
Where can I adopt a dog in Seville
Where can I adopt a dog in Seville
Where can I adopt a dog in Seville

animal abandonment is a major problem in our society and Spain is the European country with the highest rate of abandonment. Due to this, there are hundreds of animal shelters that try to alleviate this serious problem, so if you have decided to adopt, you have made a great decision, but it must be a thoughtful decision, since bringing a dog into our home is a great responsibility.

You must bear in mind that the dog you adopt is going to live with you for many years, it will have its illnesses, its accidents, its care and education needs…, it is a new member of the family so take care of him and love him forever and always.

In this article on our site we are going to guide you and help you find out where you can adopt a dog in Seville, keep reading!

Benjamín Mehnert Foundation

The Foundation was established in the year 2000 with a recovery and rehabilitation center, especially for greyhounds, with an area of more than 20,000 m2. They are located in Alcalá de Guadaíra, where you can visit more than 700 dogs looking for a new home.

Get to know all these greyhounds and dogs of other breeds through their website fundacionbm.com

To contact the Foundation you can do so via email [email protected] or by calling 954 50 38 41 or 616 711 251

Where can I adopt a dog in Seville - Benjamín Mehnert Foundation
Where can I adopt a dog in Seville - Benjamín Mehnert Foundation

LEARN: Animal Protection Association

If you live in Écija and would like to adopt a dog, the Learn association needs to find a home for its more than 150 dogs. This association has been giving shelter and protection for thousands of dogs in the municipality of Écija, go ahead and visit them, your doggy better half is waiting for you at Aprenda.

  • You can keep up to date with all his news through his Facebook account.
  • If you wish to receive more information, you can contact them by calling 95 521 97 47 in the afternoon, or by sending an email [email protected].
Where can I adopt a dog in Seville - LEARN: Animal Protection Association
Where can I adopt a dog in Seville - LEARN: Animal Protection Association

LASA Association: The Animal Smile

La Sonrisa Animal is located in the municipality of Brenes, a population with a serious situation of animal abandonment. Its more than 120 dogs in search of a new home are mostly in shelters, since they do not have their own shelter. Their animals are looking for a home anywhere in Spain, if you wish adopting in this association and you do not belong to the province of Seville, would entail a transport cost that ranges between €30 and €80, depending on the size of the dog and the route.

  • Would you like to see your 120 dogs for adoption in Brenes? Visit asociacionlasanimal.org.

  • Your adoption fee will depend on the age, sex and size of the dog, being a minimum of €70 and a maximum of €150.
  • To contact them, you can write to the email [email protected].
Where can I adopt a dog in Seville - LASA Association: La Sonrisa Animal
Where can I adopt a dog in Seville - LASA Association: La Sonrisa Animal

AYANDENA Association: Animal Aid and Natural Defense

AYANDENA's objective is to achieve zero slaughter in the Zoosanitary (kennel) of the province of Seville. Therefore, her main field of action is the rescue of that place.

  • In this association they have rescued more than 100 dogs, you can meet them in the municipality of Mairena del Alcor or by visiting their web associationayandena.org.
  • If you are interested in adopting a dog from their shelter, contact them via email [email protected].
Where can I adopt a dog in Seville - AYANDENA Association: Animal Help and Natural Defense
Where can I adopt a dog in Seville - AYANDENA Association: Animal Help and Natural Defense

ARCA: Association for the Respect and Care of Animals

ARCA has been working since 1999 for the defense and respect of animals. They are located in Dos Hermanas and need to find a home for more than 100 dogs.

  • Meet all his animals through his photo gallery at ARCA.
  • Your adoption fee ranges between €80 and €160, depending on the dog's age and sex.
  • To contact them you have the email [email protected] at your disposal. You can also contact them by calling 654 949 759.
Where can I adopt a dog in Seville - ARCA: Association for the Respect and Care of Animals
Where can I adopt a dog in Seville - ARCA: Association for the Respect and Care of Animals

Noah's Ark Seville

El Arca de Noé was founded 15 years ago in San Juan de Aznalfarache (Seville), beginning its journey with a ceded shelter that 6 years later was removed and demolished. A great misfortune, since it greatly hinders animal rescue due to the scarcity of foster homes.

  • Despite the obstacles along the way, Noah's Ark continues and is currently looking for homes for more than 55 dogs that you can meet through its website arcadenoe.org.
  • You can contact them by email at [email protected] or by calling 609 21 20 31 / 675 225 953.
Where can I adopt a dog in Seville - Arca de Noé Seville
Where can I adopt a dog in Seville - Arca de Noé Seville

APA: Protective Association ARGOS

The protective association ARGOS was founded in 2010. Unlike most animal shelters, their objective is not to build a shelter due to the overcrowding that animal shelters tend to have, so they Its main objective is to help abandoned animals from kennels or helping those who find abandoned animals in Seville and look for a home for them from their own home.

  • They have 50 dogs located in foster homes that you can meet through their website argos-sevilla.org.
  • To contact the association you have at your disposal the email address [email protected].
Where can I adopt a dog in Seville - APA: Asociación Protectora ARGOS
Where can I adopt a dog in Seville - APA: Asociación Protectora ARGOS

SOFIA The Shelter-School

El Refugio-Escuela, an association for the integration of abandoned animals, is an animal shelter with a clear objective: to become a coexistence center for children in close contact with animals and nature. While they achieve this great dream, they work day by day rescuing and looking for homes for abandoned animals in Seville.

  • Meet his 50 dogs for adoption through elrefugioescuela.com.
  • The adoption fee at El Refugio-Escuela is €150.
  • Contact them through the email [email protected] or by calling 609 21 20 31.
Where can I adopt a dog in Seville - SOFIA El Refugio-Escuela
Where can I adopt a dog in Seville - SOFIA El Refugio-Escuela

DdeVida: Defense of the Rights of Animal Life

Association established in 2004 and with 30 dogs in search of a home, they are located in the municipality of Utrera, rescuing animals thanks to the foster homes where all the animals found in adoption.

  • If you would like to meet the dogs for adoption in Utrera, visit the website of this association.
  • For more information about adoption and its animals, contact them by email at [email protected] or by calling 647 632 528.
Where can I adopt a dog in Seville - DdeVida: Defense of the Rights of Animal Life
Where can I adopt a dog in Seville - DdeVida: Defense of the Rights of Animal Life

El Albergue: Association for Animal Protection

Founded in 2010, El Albergue fights for the defense of animal rights and for the eradication of cruelty. They are currently looking for a new responsible home for more than 24 dogs that need to be adopted in order to continue rescuing abandoned lives.

  • You can meet all their dogs for adoption in Seville through their website El Albergue.
  • For more information, contact the association via email [email protected].
Where can I adopt a dog in Seville - El Albergue: Association for Animal Protection
Where can I adopt a dog in Seville - El Albergue: Association for Animal Protection

Have you made up your mind yet?

If you have already decided on the association or shelter you want to go to adopt a dog in Seville, don't forget to consult the following articles to learn everything about its basic care and send us a photo of your new companion:

  • Tips for adopting an adult dog
  • Puppy dog care
  • Dog Vaccine Schedule
