Can DOGS eat HAM?

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Can DOGS eat HAM?
Can DOGS eat HAM?
Can dogs eat ham?
Can dogs eat ham?

No matter how good the food we choose, the dog will always try to get something from our plate. That is why it is common for us to have doubts about which foods are suitable for him and which ones we should avoid because it can harm him. Ham is one of the items that raises the most questions among caregivers.

In this article on our site, we answer the question of whether dogs can eat ham, what kind, when and in what amount.

Can dogs eat serrano ham?

Serrano ham comes from the hind legs of the pig and is meat subjected to a s alting and drying process. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account their s alt intake Dogs, as carnivores that they are, can eat meat without any problem. In fact, your diet should be based on animal protein. But it is also true that It is not recommended to include s alt in dog food And that is the main drawback of eating this type of ham.

Broadly speaking, we can say that a small piece or slice of Serrano ham can be given to the dog from time to time. For example, as a reward, like 1-2 times a week, never every day. It can also be offered if we have to give you a pill that we can't get you to swallow otherwise.

This recommendation is for he althy adult dogs. If our dog presents any pathology or we are giving it a special food prescribed by the veterinarian, we must ask the professional if it is appropriate or not that we offer it, even if it is occasionally, a piece of Serrano ham. Although it seems like a minimal amount to us, if the dog has to follow a specific diet to control or treat a he alth problem, with the addition of ham we are having an impact on the intended effect of the diet.

In this other article we leave you a list of 10 other human foods that dogs can eat.

Can dogs eat ham? - Can dogs eat Serrano ham?
Can dogs eat ham? - Can dogs eat Serrano ham?

Can dogs eat cooked ham?

Cooked ham is also known as sweet ham or York ham. Like Serrano ham, it is meat from the hind legs of the pig, but, in this case, it is cooked in s alted water, sometimes with other seasonings. Therefore, will also contain s alt, although in less quantity than Serrano ham. This means that we can give it to our dog more times, although it is not appropriate to consume it in large quantities or every day, since it is still a processed meat.

For sale we can find low-s alt cooked ham, which would be a better option. Of course, it is a good idea to give him a piece and wait to see how he feels. Some dogs are very sensitive and have a delicate stomach and any change in their diet, even a small amount, can cause intestinal discomfort such as loose stools or diarrhea. That is why it is better to give a margin of time to see the effect and, if you feel bad, we know that it is not a good idea to give it more, no matter how much you liked it.

Can dogs eat turkey ham?

Next to cooked ham we can also find the so-called turkey ham or turkey breast. As its name suggests, the meat is not pork, but turkey, coming from the thigh or the breast. It has a lower fat content, but it is also a processed meat that we can include in the canine diet occasionally and better by choosing quality products, which will be those that contain a greater quantity of meat, a lower percentage of s alt and the minimum additives. These recommendations also work for people.

Can dogs eat bacon?

Dogs are not recommended to feed bacon Bacon, bacon or pancetta also come from pork, specifically they correspond to the skin and the fatty layers under it that are located in the ventral area of the animal. They provide a considerable amount of fat and s alt, if s alting has been used for preservation.

We have already talked about s alt, but excess fat can also can be harmful to dogs, just as it is to people. Not only do they run the risk of gaining weight, which is already a considerable and more than aesthetic damage, but they could also suffer from canine pancreatitis, a pathology that can be fatal. Again, a small piece, depending on the size of the dog, a day is acceptable, but as much as he likes it, consumption should not be frequent or large.

If you want to know what other foods are dangerous for dogs, we encourage you to read this other article on Forbidden foods for dogs.

Can dogs eat ham? - Can dogs eat bacon?
Can dogs eat ham? - Can dogs eat bacon?

Can dogs eat pork?

Although both Serrano and cooked ham are a very popular and widespread option for consumption of pork, so is pork meat as it is, without curing or processing of any kind. If dogs can eat ham, pork that we buy at any butcher shop is much more suitable for them In fact, in those dogs in which a food allergy is suspected and that have always eaten the typical feed based on rice and chicken, a diet with pork meat can be prescribed to diagnose the allergy, as long as the dog has not consumed previously this product.

At this point it is important to differentiate between foods that should be part of the dog's diet, such as pork, and those that should be left for occasional consumption, such as ham. To give you an idea, rewards can never exceed 10% of the recommended amount of calories for each day. Also, remember that if you want to offer your dog only homemade food, you have to consult a veterinarian specialized in nutrition to prepare a balanced menu that covers all his nutritional needs. If you limit yourself to giving him the leftovers from your plate, he will not be well nourished and the consequence will be different diseases.
