Can DOGS eat POTATOES? - Expert Tips

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Can DOGS eat POTATOES? - Expert Tips
Can DOGS eat POTATOES? - Expert Tips
Can dogs eat potatoes?
Can dogs eat potatoes?

Potatoes are a very common food in all homes. They allow multiple preparations, provide carbohydrates with few calories and are cheap. So it's not surprising that keepers wonder if dogs can eat potatoes.

In this article on our site we are going to answer this question. Although dogs are carnivorous, they accept the consumption of other foods, including potatoes, as long as we take into account the considerations explained below. Read on to find out if potatoes are toxic to dogs or not

Are potatoes good for dogs?

The potato, potato or, in its scientific name, Solanum tuberosum is a herbaceous plant that has different stems. One of them is underground and is the tubercle, thickened to store nutrients in different shapes, such as elongated or rounded, and colors that vary between brownish, purple or reddish, with a white or yellowish pulp. It is a plant from South America and cultivated for about 8,000 years. In the 16th century it also spread throughout Europe and today it is one of the most consumed foods in the world. There are different varieties of potatoes suitable for different preparations.

As for its nutritional value, it provides about 77 kcal per 100 grams, 19 grams of carbohydrates, vitamins such as C or B3 or niacin, as well as minerals such as potassium, phosphorus or magnesium. The green parts of potatoes are toxic, as they contain a substance called solanine. This color may be due to the fact that they are not yet ripe or because they have been exposed to the sun. Solanine poisoning produces gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Peeling the potato or cooking it reduces the amount of solanine.

Keeping all this in mind, dogs can eat potatoes, although they shouldn't be the main ingredient in their diet, that is Occasional consumption is recommended. For example, we could give cooked potato to dogs with diarrhea, accompanied by cooked chicken without skin or s alt or sauce, as part of a soft diet before returning to their usual diet, of course, always following the advice of the veterinarian.

The potato is also sometimes included as an ingredient in the diets of dogs with a food allergy or in exclusion diets, which are those that are prescribed when such an allergy is suspected. They are formulated with the minimum ingredients and with those that the dog has not previously consumed. If the symptoms disappear with the new menu, the diagnosis is confirmed. Therefore, dogs can eat potatoes, but with the exceptions that we will see below.

Can dogs eat raw potatoes?

It is not recommended Offer the dog raw potatoes or allow him to play with them and nibble them and he may swallow a piece, he find with or without skin. If the potato were green, the amount of solanine present could result in the appearance of disorders in the digestive system which, depending on the amount and the characteristics of the dog, could be more or less intense. In addition, raw potatoes are indigestible. So much so, that raw potatoes are part of the list of prohibited fruits and vegetables for dogs.

Can dogs eat potato chips?

The problem with potato chips is that they are fried in oil and a large amount of s alt is also added. Thus, if cooked potatoes can be consumed by dogs on an occasional basis or as part of an exclusion diet, bagged potatoes are not a he althy option Neither for humans. And this is due to the fact that in its elaboration process they incorporate fat and s alt. Although fats are essential in any diet, they must be he althy and consumed in the right amount. On the other hand, s alt should not be part of any dog's diet. In fact, too much s alt can even be toxic to dogs, causing vomiting, diarrhea, decreased appetite, lethargy, incoordination, excessive thirst or increased elimination of urine, in addition to neurological disorders such as seizures. In the most severe cases, coma and eventually death can occur.

On the other hand, there is a relationship between these potatoes and pancreatitis in dogsPancreatitis is the inflammation of the pancreas and one of its causes is an excess of fats, that is, if the dog eats potato chips it could suffer an episode of pancreatitis. An acute crisis is characterized by the appearance of vomiting and intense pain in the abdomen. It can be noticed because the dog has his belly tucked in and can even adopt what is known as a prayer posture, with his chest on the ground and his rump in the air. Affected dogs may also experience diarrhoea, followed by dehydration, general weakness and, in the most severe cases, shock.

This condition usually requires the dog to be hospitalized in the veterinary clinic, where it must be kept for several days without eating any food so that the pancreas can recover. It is also necessary to administer analgesics to control pain and antibiotics to prevent secondary bacterial infections. Some specimens will need an operation if the mentioned treatment is not enough. Pancreatitis is a disease of considerable seriousness that can cause the death of the dog, so, to prevent it, let's refrain from giving the dog bagged potatoes and never leave them within his reach.

If you want to know more toxic foods for dogs, don't miss the article Forbidden foods for dogs.
