The smartest rodents

The smartest rodents
The smartest rodents
The Smartest Rodents
The Smartest Rodents

There are more than 2,800 different rodent species that populate all parts of the planet, except at both poles. They are species that are not in danger of extinction, on the contrary, and on many occasions some species are considered a plague.

If survival is considered a useful parameter for measuring animal intelligence, there are undoubtedly some species of remarkable intelligence among rodents.

In this article on our site we will show you some rodents with considerable intelligence. Continue reading the most intelligent rodents:

The common rat

The common rat, or brown rat, is perhaps the representative of the mammals whose survival is most plausible in any circumstance. It is much stronger, larger and more aggressive than its congener the black rat, or country rat.

The common rat is native to China, and from there it has managed to spread throughout the world, especially in the sewage system of all cities and towns. Various tests have been carried out on them, even of a military nature, showing ample evidence of their great physical and mental abilities

The survival instinct of rats is legendary and amazing, making them able to foresee catastrophes and successfully avoid them.

This is an animal that is becoming more and more accepted in homes around the world, for this reason if you are interested in learning more about rats, do not hesitate to visit our article on the rat as pet.

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The most intelligent rodents - The common rat
The most intelligent rodents - The common rat

The Beaver

The beaver is the most capable rodent to modify its environment according to its needs It is known how to block watercourses by complex engineering works using wood, mud and leaf litter, managing to create lagoons where to install their burrows.

The beaver is a large rodent that can weigh up to 20 kg. It has huge upper and lower incisors that grow continuously. With them it is capable of gnawing and knocking down trees of considerable size.

At the beginning of the 20th century the beaver was on the verge of extinction. Fortunately, the danger passed and today it is no longer threatened.

The most intelligent rodents - The beaver
The most intelligent rodents - The beaver

The Muskrat

The muskrat, or muskrat, bears some resemblance to the beaver, but is much smaller. It also has constructive habits similar to the beaver, although less evolved and smaller in magnitude.

A double reason why the muskrat is in full expansion (not only in its place of origin, the North American continent), but is even expanding in Europe like a plague, is because it can live in fresh and brackish water. But the most important reason for its evolution is that is perfectly suited to man-madepollution.

The muskrat is considered a pest in the Netherlands and Belgium due to its propensity to bore tunnels and burrows in dikes built below sea level. The muskrat bears this name because it marks the limits of its territory with its musk. Its existence is not threatened.

The most intelligent rodents - The muskrat
The most intelligent rodents - The muskrat

The squirrel

The squirrel demonstrates its intelligence by its annual ability to predict the length of winter. This animal provides and stores the amount of food needed to overcome the rigors of winter, however harsh and long they may be.

It is a small rodent exposed to constant danger from various predators: goshawks, foxes, stoats, etc., but thanks to constant calculationthat you perform before each move, you often get rid of attacks. It is not in danger of extinction.

The most intelligent rodents - The squirrel
The most intelligent rodents - The squirrel

The Mongolian Gerbil

The Mongolian gerbil, also called gerbil, gerbil or merión, and erroneously gerbil, has become an accepted pet all over the world. It is an affectionate, intelligent, active and very sociable little animal.

He will learn tricks very quickly through positive reinforcement although he is not as clever with mazes as the rat might be. It can communicate with other members of its colony by means of "beats", knocks on the ground, which alert to possible danger.

As a curiosity we can comment that these are very social monogamous animals among their own species, cleaning each other. About 40 large individuals share really complex burrows.

Its habitat is the pre-desert areas of Mongolia and China. In nature they have nocturnal habits. It feeds on vegetables and seeds. As pets they eat more varieties of vegetables and fruits. Not threatened.

The Smartest Rodents - The Mongolian Gerbil
The Smartest Rodents - The Mongolian Gerbil

¡ Keep browsing our site and discover more about rodents!

  • Differences between rat and mouse
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