Do dogs need sunscreen? - REASONS to use it and how

Do dogs need sunscreen? - REASONS to use it and how
Do dogs need sunscreen? - REASONS to use it and how
Do dogs need sunscreen?
Do dogs need sunscreen?

You may have heard about the dangers of the sun that exist for dogs as well. Although most breeds have the protection conferred by their fur, all dogs have hairless areas, others with very little or very fine hair or there are even breeds called naked that, at best, have a slight fuzz on the body. Therefore, the sun's rays can cause damage to them, just as it can to people.

Next, in this article on our site we explain why dogs need sunscreen, which one is best,when and how should we use it.

Should I protect my dog from the sun?

As we move forward, exposure to direct sunlight, especially during peak hours, can be harmful to our dogs. Solar radiation is capable of causing irritation, redness and burns, even serious, on the skin. In dogs, even the hairiest, the sun can damage especially sensitive areas, without hair or with very little. We are talking about the ears, especially the tips, the snout, especially the nose and the area around the mouth, the abdomen, the armpits or the groin. There will be much more risk in dogs without hair, with very fine, white or short hair or light skin, since the sun's rays will affect the skin much more easily.

Furthermore, as happens with people, exposure to direct, unprotected solar radiation is related to the appearance of different types of skin cancerFor all these reasons, it is worth getting used to protecting our dog from the sun, especially on the days and hours of greatest radiation and, at least, in areas devoid of hair or with very little quantity, if we cannot avoid exposing it to direct sunlight.

Do dogs need sunscreen? - Should I protect my dog from the sun?
Do dogs need sunscreen? - Should I protect my dog from the sun?

What is the best sunscreen for dogs?

Once the importance of protecting our dogs from the sun's rays is clear, it is essential to choose a good sunscreen. The best sunscreen for dogs will be the one that, first, is suitable for this species and, second, has a certified high sun protection factor (SPF), that is at least 30 and, ideally, 50.

An example of a good sunscreen for dogs is HelioVet by Stangest, which you'll find in cream format or, very conveniently, in spray. It offers high protection against solar radiation, since we are talking about a protection factor of more than 50, and acts against UVA and UVB rays, infrared and visible light. Contains Fernblock, green tea, plankton and phytosphingosine, which are natural components with photoprotective, antioxidant and repair action against damage caused by the sun. In addition, it hydrates and regenerates the skin barrier. HelioVet is characterized by its light texture, not at all greasy, which facilitates rapid absorption. On the other hand, it is waterproof, so the dog will remain perfectly safe from the sun even if it gets wet. Finally, it should be noted that this sunscreen is also suitable for cats, animals to which everything described in the article also applies, and it is very It is important to protect them from the sun's rays, just as we should do with dogs.

HelioVet has been developed by Stangest, which is part of the Cantabria Labs group, a Spanish pharmaceutical company recognized for its dermo-cosmetic products and entrepreneurial spirit.

Do dogs need sunscreen? - What is the best sunscreen for dogs?
Do dogs need sunscreen? - What is the best sunscreen for dogs?

When to use sunscreen for dogs?

We should not only use sunscreen in summer, when we walk in the mountains or even in winter the sun also has a negative effect on the skin. We have already been pointing out throughout the article which are the cases in which it is more convenient to use a sunscreen for dogs. In short, they are as follows:

  • When our dog is going to be exposed to direct sunlight. For example, if in the height of summer you are about to take a nap on the terrace, the garden, the balcony or, in general, anywhere where the sun is going to hit you directly.
  • If we are going to take him outside in full sun, for example, when we take him for a walk or go out with him on an excursion to the mountain, to the mountains or to the beach. Remember that, although the dog is in the water, he is still receiving the sun's rays. Likewise, during these hours it is advisable not to take it out through areas whose floors burn, since it could suffer burns on the paw pads.
  • When outdoor activities are in the snow. The sun's rays are also dangerous in these environments.
  • If your dog has no hair or has very little or very short, if his coat is white, he has areas shaved or cut his hair too short. This includes dogs with problems that cause some areas of their body to not have enough hair. They are specimens with alopecia, allergies, dermatitis, scars, etc.
  • In addition, you should know that some medications are photosensitizing, hence it is recommended that dogs treated with them protect themselves from the sun. They are, for example, some NSAIDs, antibiotics, diuretics or antifungals.
